Our Winter of Discontent

Just got back from the allotment after having :

1. Transplanted pathetic and bedraggled autumn sown broad beans from 4 rows into one row, as that was all that was left after a rather harsh December.

2. Painted my shed (with sump oil, it is cheaper). I started to paint under blue skies, but with 10 minutes it started to drizzle and by the time I had finished it was pouring down (again).

3. Had to move my car (though there was room to pass) from the end of my allotment because another allotmentholder was at the entrance beeping. I naturally thought that like me they had some heavy things to drop off at their plot, so I gladly drove down to the road and walked back to my plot (in the rain). I noticed that she parked next to hers and took nothing out of the car. Then proceeded to fiddle about with some plastic sheeting that had come loose on the plot. I will remember this.

On my Welland Park allotment I have now fully planted it  with vines, raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries. Hopefully it should now only be a  matter of pruning, hoeing and picking leaving me to concentrate on the other vegetable allotment. We shall see.

I have continued to referee on Saturdays and I do believe that the muscles and joints are reacting much better to running around blowing a whistle. Though on Friday Sue and I did go with the Harborough Council Rambling Club to Calke Abbey for a day out walking.  I left the choice of walks to Sue and she chose the long walk in the morning and the long walk in the afternoon (there was a choice).  We were both very stiff and ached when we got home  (I was left wondering how it would affect my Saturday refereeing). The day before we had travelled to Dunchurch to see her cousin Andrew and his wife. We had lunch at the Dun Cow pub. We looked at their family photos and they looked at ours. It was quite a pleasant lunch. We promised to go over to their place in Harbury later in the summer.

Calke Abbey

Calke Abbey                                                                                                            We sat here (Dun Cow)

Last week I assembled some wardrobes and drawers for Jamie, then hung a mirror and a flat screen TV in his bedroom for him. I also installed his washing machine for him, though he has yet to use it. We don’t see much of him now, though he is supposed to be coming today. It is Harley’s birthday today.

Life seems to have settled down for the Rothwells. Ellis is growing rapidly and Lucas has started swimming sessions with Dad.  Sue took Lyne Keene ( Charlotte’s old child minder) on a visit to see them that last week and it seemed they had a good old chat.

Sue and I have booked a hotel in March near Chester with the idea of visiting relatives, it will give us something to look forward too.

Sarah has been on half-term this week. She has visited Lee a couple of times and continues to work at Savers as well as revise. A busy life.

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  1. sarah says:

    i never get mention alot no more 😦

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